Wednesday, February 07, 2007


My dad gave me this cd to listen to. The daughter of his friend made this album. Her name is Alison Block, the album is called Money and Sex. I was really surprised. It's damn good if you ask me. Great even. There's a couple of songs up on her site. The title track is super. I highly recommend checking her stuff out.

Other news...

I don't know why. I feel like taking pictures of myself lately. Maybe because I don't look as haggard as I used to and I'm happy about that. So here's another pic. You might be able to tell my nose is crooked. I broke it playing basketball. Twice.

Hey, with all these pictures I've put up you'll probably recognize me if you ever run into me! But please, don't sucker punch me in the nose, like I said, it's already crooked.

Uh, and my room is a mess.


Anonymous said...

Very tempted to put vampire teeth on this one LOL

fringes said...

Why are you single? You're damn cute. Are you one of those jerks or something?

M said...

I can't see anything crooked about your nose. My nose is also a little crooked to one side, but you can only see in photos, that's how much the camera hates me. If your room is messy you're one of us, you're one of us...

People in the Sun said...

Are these weights or musical instruments?

Next, take a picture of your bookshelf.

Maybe someone can punch your nose back to normal?

Oh, and are you one of those jerks or something?

Trey said...

I broke my nose pistolwhipping my older brother. I had a french friend who broke his nose playing hoop, too. Must be a Gallic thing.

Tara said...

Not only will we be able to identify you if any of us are in your area, we'll also know who Rambo is too! You take good pictures, so snap away!

Sebastien Millon said...

Shaymus: That my friend, is a great idea!

Fringes: Thanks for the compliment! Haha, well, I had a girlfriend up until recently, but the stress of the relationship was too much for me given my illness. We tried to make it work but it was just too draining and not good for me. We'd been together a while... Makes me sad. Plus I can't really go out and meet people right now, hanging out even at the house is tiring enough as it is! All in good time...

Mariana: Haha, yes, messy people are good people in my book.

People in the Sun: Weights, little one pound weights! I will take a picture of the book shelf, and that would be great, getting my nose punched back to normal!

Taarzaan: Haha, pistol whipping is my favorite past time! Definitely a gallic thing...

Tara: Thanks Tara! Rambo is getting bigger by the day.

Nikki Neurotic said...

Pretty good stuff...reminds me a little bit of Nellie McKay actually, just more comical.

Anonymous said...

your eyes look SO BLUE in this picture!
And it's good to hear you're feeling less haggard.

Anonymous said...

by the way, you have a very mysterious yet intense look going on in this photo. Could be a good one for your next self-portrait, maybe?

Anonymous said...

You're a cutie! I love blue eyes and dark hair, my first boyfriend had them. You also look very French. I don't know how to define "looking French" but somehow you do (I think it's the contours of your face and your nose. What do I know? Do I look like an anthropologist?). Next time I get to Phoenix I'll just take a walk and know you when I run into you.

But are you one of those jerks or something? ROTFL!!

Anonymous said...

Make sure your soul doesn't get sucked into your camera.

Christine and FAZ said...

Mess is Good! FAZ

Christine and FAZ said...

Mess is Good! FAZ

JM said...

We can forgive the mess, I've seen worse. Thank goodness there's no camera in this room.

Becky said...

hey seb. haven't been by in a while and just wanted to say hello. lookin' good! i'm getting my road bike tomorrow...that is if i can actually make up my mind. i'm not good when there are so many choices!

Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

you are looking mighty fine Sebastien.. And hey my room is a mess too.. Glad you are well enough to take some pics of yourself..look forward to more.. Love the blue eyes..

Cassandra said...

Hey sexy! Do you have eyes that appear to change colors? The one looks green in the contact post below and blue here with the blue shirt. Mine do that some too. And where is your smile? The tiny pic on your profile looks like you have a great smile!
I hate to clean. I see no mess.

Sebastien Millon said...

Silver: Glad you like!

Frenchy: Thanks Frenchasaurus rexus!

Sonja: Haha, yay, I love 'looking' French! Let me know when you are in town!!!!

Omni: My soul already got sucked up by the love of money so I think I'm ok :)

Faz: Thanks for that, I feel better. Mess means you are organized in your mind, right?

JM: I appreciate those words, I feel better, I hate feeling like a slob...

Good For ME: Hey!!!! That is great news, it's so hard to choose, please let me know what you get.

Babybull: Thanks Babybull!

Babs: They are actually blue, but I photoshopped a bit so maybe they look more blue? Aww, yeah, I dunno, I don't like to force a smile...

Becky said...

will do!

Anonymous said...

you're welcome, Sebspinosaurus

Sebastien Millon said...

Good for me: Cool, look forward to seeing what you get.

Frenchy: That is a good one, a very good one. Gotta look some stuff up... right now!