Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thoughts on Edgar Allan Poe and Basketball

First off, keep voting for me, and clicking on my pic over at (I'm the guy staring at his hands with the dramatic lighting). You can vote every day by clicking on my pic. Only with your help can we defeat the competition, which is daunting (as my loyal general Babs pointed out!!!), have you seen all the tits and ass I have to go up against, it's ridiculous! I'm beginning to wonder if 25peeps isn't some sort of softcore porn site. But that, of course, is a topic for another day. Anyways, vote for me so that you may help me in my quest for world domination and my courageous attempt to thwart the impending duckbill platypus conspiracy.

Quick aside: My dog is chewing on the toilet.

Edgar Allan Poe
Now, I haven't read Mr. Poe's work since back in the day when I was a wee little schoolboy. I'm not quite sure why they made us read his work in school, his writing is brilliant, but his subjects and themes are a little macabre and intensely psychological, to say the least, and Poe's writing certainly went over my head at the time (I just thought his stuff was creepy).

Well, I'm not a big fan of short stories, but I said what the hell and decided to start reading this dude, got this nice little anthology of his work that I found. I FREAKIN' LOVE HIS STORIES! I'm so happy I started reading him again, well happy might be the wrong adjective, for godsakes, his writing is about as dire and murderously crazy as literature gets. Anyways, reading Poe has made me realize that I need to explore a whole new genre of fiction, horror stories. There doesn't need to be murderous bloodbaths in the stories, I tend to prefer the psychological aspects of fear and horror, moreso than bloody murders and physically appalling scenarios. So, if you have recommendations for me, please let me know of writers or stories I should check out...

Have you seen the Phoenix Suns? They've won 12 in row, playing with panache and a sweet style, how can you not like this team, even if you aren't from Phoenix. They make basketball fun, run and gun, such a nice change of pace from the 90s where basketball was all muscle and grind, really really boring I thought. My art studio (which my buddies are keeping for me till I get better) is right next to the Suns' arena, I can't wait to get better so I can catch some games. It's been a long time since I've been interested in going to a sports game, but you know what, after watching the Suns on tv, I feel like they put on a great show which would be fun to see in person...


Cassandra said...

General Babs here! We must win the war against duckbill platypusses. Is that the right plural?

I've been reading a lot of Dean Koontz again. He's my favorite. I've read 2 books of his in the last 3 days. Most of his books I can't put down once I start reading them.

Cassandra said...

And maybe you could get Rambo to clean the toilet while he's at it...


yellowdoggranny said...

babs sent me...she said she would kick my ass if i didnt vote for you...i would have voted for you anyhow..but it did speed things up a bit..
poe has always been one of my favorites..even when i was a little girl...which shows you just how twisted i was..7 years old reading poe...gave me lots of the 60s' had some great scary b-movie take offs on his vincent price..they were your dog a pit bull? they like to chew on big things....hmmm... trying to think of anything else i want to speak on while im here...nope guess that's it..bye...

M said...

If it's horror you want you can't go wrong with Kafka. He is really, really heavy.

Sebastien Millon said...

Babs: Dean Koontz, cool, heard of him but never read any of his stuff! Goddamn platypusses, they're in cohoots with Ortega and Bush, plus they're trying to get McCain into the fold. Those bastards! Your couterterrorism unit of Black Widows Special Ops are going to have to do some important missions to dismantle the plans that our enemies hope to enact.

Yellowdoggranny: Thanks for the visit! Yes, I'm going to go an internet rampage binge on all the people who don't vote for me!!! Crazy you liked Poe so young, I could barely follow what was going on! My dog is a German Shepherd, and he is getting crazier by the day...

Mariana: That is a great idea! I haven't read Kafka since I read the Metamorphosis in highschool, actually it's the only story of his I've read. It's high time I check out his other stuff!

MrManuel said...

Yeah, Poe is definitely a good writer. Haven't read his stuff since HS.

Suns look good right now. Much better than my Kings, but hey, that is how the NBA goes. I'll still cheer for my falling team, and maybe in a few years, we'll be winners again. Your team does look good though. I was a die hard, and I mean DIE HARD Suns fans in the mid 90s when Charles was on the team. Ahh..the good ol' days. Fucking Paxon...

fringes said...

(the above hyperellipse was my cat on the keyboard)

I didn't realize the Suns were doing so well. I pay attention only to the Rockets until playoffs and even then, I pay attention to the Rockets only after football season is over.

Well-wishes to your team until we arrive with our Yao/Tracy beatdown.

Anonymous said...

I love me some Poe. Always a good read.

Sebastien Millon said...

Mrmanuel: Yeah, I feel lucky to be cheering for a good team, doesn't always work that way. Been cheering for the Arizona Cardinals, there's a little more heartache in that! But at least your Kings were great for many years, and they will bounce back! Plus Bibby and Artest are great players, although you never know what's going to happen with Artest. Haha, funny back in the 90s I was a Pacers fan and vehemently hated the Suns (due to a 5th grade teacher loving the Suns I decided I had to hate that team!).

Fringes: Awww, gotta love kitties! I'm so sorry, I mean for your love of a team that has no destiny in the NBA Finals! Haha, the Suns will destroy you, prepare for some serious trash talking!!! Well, maybe we can still be friends :)

Bice: Poe is awesome, can't believe I was in the dark for so long...

Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

I tried to leave a comment here last night but it was no use.. blogger wouldn't let me.. anyhoo.. I read Dean Koontz as well and I also read about the Manson Murders when I was in grade 6 or 7

Sebastien Millon said...

Babybull40: Stupid blogger!!!! So you liked Koontz? Seems like he's very popular, gotta get around to his stuff.

Tara said...

I was given a huge book on all of Poe's work a few years ago. I like his stories, but I love his poetry the most. "The Raven" is a given, but I love his poem called "Annabelle Lee". So romantic and sad.

I love reading ghost stories. There are probably books on local ghost stories in Arizona. I found a series called "Haunted Ohio" and they're supposed to be true stories. Perfect to read on a stormy day.

Sebastien Millon said...

Hey, thanks Tara! I will check out Annabelle Lee!!

Ohhh, and those ghost story books sound cool, specially the ghost stories in Arizona!

Anonymous said...

It warms my heart to see you reading Seb. Music and Literature always seemed to heal my problems better then most.

I responded to your comment over on my blog, but it was almost a week over due, sorry about that.

I would recommend H.P. Lovecraft. Some of his stuff is brilliant. Some of his stuff...

But the ones that affected me are just as you described Mr. Poe's ability on yourself. I have to run to work now, but I'll send you a list of some shorts I liked from him.